From this page you can download our free software:
- Colourgrams GUI: a graphical user-frielndly interface for the analysis of large datasets of RGB images through the colourgrams approach.
Reference: Calvini, R., Orlandi, G., Foca, G., & Ulrici, A. (2020). Colourgrams GUI: A graphical user-friendly interface for the analysis of large datasets of RGB images. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 196, 103915.
Click here to visualize the Fast User Manual - Hyperspectrograms GUI: a graphical user-friendly interface for the analysis of large datasets of images through the hyperspectrograms approach.
Click here to visualize the Fast User Manual - RGB Image Correction GUI: a graphical user-friendly interface for the standardization of RGB images.
Click here to visualize the Fast User Manual - Soft PLSDA routine: a MATLAB function to run Soft PLS-DA algorithm
Reference: Calvini, R., Orlandi, G., Foca, G., & Ulrici, A. (2018). Developmentof a classification algorithm for efficient handling of multiple classes in sorting systems based on hyperspectral imaging.Journal of Spectral Imaging, 7, a13.
Our software require MATLAB installed on your PC.
By clicking on the DOWNLOAD button you will be redirected to the download form. Once you have filled the form, an e-mail with the link and password will be sent to your contact information.
For any problem in dowloading the software or for further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at